Berlin marked stop 1 of 2 on our June travel itinerary. This was the first trip that was planned as a couple trip, but ended up being a trip consisting of Van, 'a Russian, an alcoholic and a princess' as Van wittily calls it, because Mark and Steve have left us for other North American cities.
If I had to pick one word to describe Berlin, I would use the word 'cool'. It's cool because unlike other European cities that bust with history from the Middle Ages, Berlin's most interesting history is very recent going back to WWII and the East-West Berlin segregation, hence making the history very real and relatable. What's also cool is that I got to reunite with none other than Miss Debby Gonzalez whom I haven't seen in something like 3 years! It's a crazy to think where life takes you and how people are able to connect and reconnect years later thousands of miles away from home.
Having arrived 10 pm Friday night, we dropped our stuff off at the hostel and went straight into the party mode. I should also add that it was my first time staying at a hostel, and it was not terrifying as my inexperienced mind imagined. We were at the Plus Berlin hostel located in a humongous maze of a building decorated with artwork, from very standard to quite bizarre, which was very interesting. The best feature of the hostel IMO was a courtyard with real cuddly bunnies! I contemplated about stealing the cute black one, but Vi was trying to catch him, and he wasn't having it.
We were staying in East Berlin quite close to all the clubs, and the night scene was crazy! Hundreds of people walking around on the streets downing beer and liquor, to get themselves pumped for techno clubs that will stay opened into the morning hours. We later found out that the best parties in Berlin in fact start at 8 pm and go into the night. Now I've been to some party cities around the globe, but this is the most extreme I've ever seen it! We shall see how Ibiza compares to that later this summer...The crowd style reflects their non fussy approach to drinking. People are super casual, and if you see a girl in heels or a skirt, she must be a tourist. In fact, we've seen people being turned away from the clubs for being too overdressed - a concept totally foreign to what what I'm used to lol.
Our destination for the night was Watergate, Berlin's top techno party place and one of the top rated clubs in the world (somewhere between 5 and 30 by Vi's stats). The club was totally cool - it is located on the water giving fantastic views of the river and a picturesque bridge. Inside, it is 2 levels with the upstairs having a glowing ceiling that changes colours to the beats. You are not allowed to take pix, but we managed to sneak some in (you can't have Van and Anna together in a club and NOT take pix haha). We ended up staying til after they closed the curtains to hide the sunrise, watching the dawn light set upon Berlin. When I walked past the club on Sunday at 10:30 am, the curtains were still drawn and the place was shaking with beats, so God only knows how late people stay up partying on the weekend...But, we are tourists, and we had touristy things to do during the day hence we had to watch our party times.
Saturday was our day to explore and learn more about Berlin. Berlin has a pretty great tour option where you can do a walking or a bike tour for free as the tour guides work on tips. They tend to be quite good because you have to be good to get the tips. Our guide was fabulous, taking us on a 6 hour tour about Berlin and teaching us all about its history, from the times of Napoleon's Berlin conquest, to the WWII, to the more modern history of East and West Berlin segregation. Along the way we saw the Holocaust memorial, the bunker where Hitler committed suicide (you can't see the bunker, but you can stand on top of it as it's now under a parking lot in a residential area), the Berlin wall, and even the hotel from where Michael Jackson dangled his baby. Berlin has very interesting architecture - from 17th century palaces and churches, to Soviet era grey block buildings, to grafittied up blocks of buildings. Everywhere you look is something different, and it makes you want to keep exploring the city. Knowing the city's turbulent history certainly adds to its captivating aura, and so many of history can still be visible everywhere you look. After taking a break to ride out the rain that started out of nowhere in the middle of a beautiful day, we continued our exploring by visiting the East Galleries - a restored portion of the Berlin wall that has been decorated by artists from all over the world to express Berlin's newly found freedom after the wall collapse. I was surprised to find a lot of Russian artists and messages along the wall...although it makes sense because East Berlin had very close ties to the Soviet Union once upon a time, so Russian influence is very prevalent.
Sunday was all about reunions! Thanks to the wonders of FB, Debbie saw my status update about Berlin and we arranged to meet up at for some German brunch at the tasty Karl Marx cafe. It was so lovely to reunite after not seeing each other in 6 years! Debbie also turned out to be the best hostess and tour guide, taking me to the cultural festival i.e. Berlin version of Caribana, introducing me to beer mixed with Fanta, taking us to the building housing artist studios while and to the cool modern government buildings...oh and finding my das boot shot glass which is now one of the faves in my shot glass collection :)
Here's our trip in pictures (all stolen from Van b/c I was too lazy to use my camera):
@ the Paris square waiting for our tour to begin (and location of the hotel where MJ dangled his baby)
The Holocaust memorial
Berlin Opera house
Berlin Cathedral and us getting rained on
The Berlin Wall (its remains that is)
The East Galleries artwork
OMG someone drew a picture of Anna!
Watergate by day
Watergate by night
Street views - graffiti everywhere!
The Berlin culture festival with Debbie!
Apres culture festival beers (with Fanta)
Exploring Berlin
Relaxing at the beach bar